Sunday, November 8, 2009


Review Web 2.0 Tools: reddit

A social bookmarking site, (a play on the words " I read it"), invites users to submit an interesting link:

Submit a link to anything interesting: news article, blog entry, video, picture...

According to the reddit site:
Reddit is a source for what's new and popular on the web.
Users provide all of the content and decide, through voting, what's good and what's junk.
Links that receive community approval bubble up towards #1, so the front page is constantly in motion and (hopefully) filled with fresh, interesting links. (reddit)
By accessing the Saved tab, you can return to find your own tagged items. With categories like What's Hot, New, Controversial, and Top organized in tabs along the top of the reddit site, you can also view ranked lists to see what other users are finding interesting.

Because reddit tagging includes many modes of media (news articles, blog entries, videos, pictures), this tool could be used as a search engine for finding popular content about a topic. This could be a way to study and follow trends, or to get fresh content about an ongoing topic. As an instructor, tracking a topic with reddit would be a way to have current relevant links to share in the classroom. Students could use it as a research tool like many others, but because reddit ranking is based on viewer votes either liking or disliking an entry, it would be best utilized to find items based on popularity rather than quality or validity.

Categories like "TODAYILEARNED" are obviously intended for sharing valuable information in an educational way.

Categories like "FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU" are evidence of tags that people have created and applied that are inappropriate for school or professional use.

reddit. FAQ. Retrieved 2009 November 08 from

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