I posted to Facebook about creating a digital portfolio of my design work...
and got offers to write related articles for a Magazine and a Website! I have read and followed both for years, and had only dreamed of being a contributing author. Today, I pitched several different ideas to the managing editor, and expect to be published in both online venues.
Well, this is proof of the new expanded definitions of "contributing" and "author". Publishing is no longer for the elite, or the select few. Anyone can now have this chance, and can prove their worth by posting targeted information and relevant content.
So, this social networking thing REALLY WORKS!
Even just posting about looking for work got me projects!
Excited about the new opportunities...
Facebook hand-drawn icon: Janko At Warp Speed, License - Creative Commons Attribution 3.0, http://www.iconspedia.com/icon/facebook-hand-drawn-10264.html
Facebook icon: FastIcon, License - Freeware, http://www.iconspedia.com/icon/facebook-3147.html
Facebook hand-drawn icon: Janko At Warp Speed, License - Creative Commons Attribution 3.0, http://www.iconspedia.com/icon/facebook-hand-drawn-10264.html
Facebook icon: FastIcon, License - Freeware, http://www.iconspedia.com/icon/facebook-3147.html
That is awesome. I have been somewhat cautious in using Facebook for professional development although I enjoy it for keeping in touch with my friends (especially my college friends). This is a wonderful example of how Facebook and Twitter can help us move forward in our careers!