Personalized Learning Environments
The standardized one-size-fits-all educational solution does not work for everyone anymore. There is an expectation by today’s learner that each student’s individual needs should be attended to and accommodated. This is a very different paradigm than the traditional educational model. Whether factoring in multiple learning styles or differentiated capabilities, playing to each student’s strengths is the new mode for education. Maintaining student engagement in the educational topics at hand, despite their attention spans and interests that may distract or lead them elsewhere, is the top goal of education today.
One way to accomplish this is by setting up a Personalized Learning environment, a customized portal to the information that is targeted to each student’s individual preferences. This allows each person’s best methods to be implemented, so all have their own ways of accessing the information.
Our Education class example had all students setup an iGoogle portal to a set of very specific criteria. The specifications gave explicit instructions so each student could have a setup with both recommended and required components that would cover all needs within the scope of the class. Rather than being a free-for-all of personal expression, there was structure provided, with individualization of colors and themes allowed.
While the goal of a PERSONALIZED learning environment is to have each individual custom-tailor it to their own needs and preferences, if TOO unique it cannot easily be tracked and monitored by an instructor. Students could be given more leeway to explore which components were relevant to them, and to explain why each was chosen for inclusion. Whether to enforce coverage of necessary components or to facilitate grading, some guidance and structure in the setup of Personalized Learning Environments would be recommended.
Now that I am aware of this PLE component of education, I’m seeing it’s use in more and more places. The offer of a personalized portal is becoming ubiquitous online. iGoogle is the example that we used for ourselves in class, but many other customizable home page options are being offered. My new AT&T phone service offers a “landing page” at, which can be configured to your ideal setup. Like sports? All sports? No sports? You can choose the live feed of news and information offered to you as a first-step onto the internet. Yahoo has MyYahoo, MSN allows you to customize your home page, even eBay has My eBay.
By translating these PLEs as personalized but structured information portals into the education arena, we will be able to start to customize education and thereby serve the individual learning needs of each student.